Shlomi Rubinstein
R. Hassin and S. Rubinstein
Approximations For The Maximum
Acyclic Subgraph Problem
( Pdf )
Information Processing Letters 51
(1994), 133-140
R. Hassin and S. Rubinstein
An Approximation Algorithm For
Maximum of 3-edge Pathes ( Pdf )
Information Processing Letters 63
(1997), 63-67.
R. Hassin, S. Rubinstein and A. Tamir
Approximation Algorithms for
Maximum Dispersion ( Pdf )
Operations Research Letters 21
(1997), 133-137.
R. Hassin and S. Rubinstein
An Approximation Algorithm for the
Maximum Travelling Salesman Problem ( Pdf )
Information Processing Letters 67
R. Hassin and S. Rubinstein
Better Approximations for max TSP ( Pdf )
Information Processing Letters 75
(2000), 181-186.
R. Hassin and S. Rubinstein
Approximation Algorithms for Maximum
Linear Arrangement ( Pdf )
Information Processing Letters 80
(2001), 171-177.
Also: Proceedings of SWAT 2000, LNCS 1851,
R. Hassin and S. Rubinstein
A 7/8-approximation algorithm for
metric Max-TSP ( Pdf )
Information Processing Letters 81
(2002), 247-251.
Also: Proceedings of WADS 2001, LNCS 2125,
R. Hassin and S. Rubinstein
Robust Matchings ( Pdf )
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics
15 (2002),
Also: Proceedings of SWAT 2000, LNCS 1851 ,
R. Hassin and S. Rubinstein
Approximation algorithms for the
metric maximum clustering
problem with given cluster sizes ( Pdf )
Operations Research Letters 31 (2003),
E. Arkin, R. Hassin, S. Rubinstein and M. Sviridenko
Approximations for maximum transportation problem with permutable
supply vector and other capacitated star packing problems
Algorithmica 39
(2004), 175-187.
Also: Proceedings of SWAT 2002, LNCS 2368,
R. Hassin and S. Rubinstein
On the complexity of the k-customer
vehicle routing problem ( Pdf )
Operations Research Letters 33
(2004), 71-76.
R. Hassin and S. Rubinstein
An approximation algorithm for
maximum triangle packing ( Pdf )
Discrete Applied Mathematics 154
(2006), 971-979.
Erratum: Discrete Applied Mathematics 154
(2006), 2620.
Also: Proceedings of ESA 2004, LNCS 3221,
- R. Hassin and S. Rubinstein
An improved approximation algorithm for the metric maximum
clustering problem with given cluster sizes ( Pdf )
Information Processing Letters 98
(2006), 92-95.
- R. Hassin, A. Levin and S. Rubinstein
Approximation algorithms for maximum latency and partial cycle cover
Discrete Optimization 6
(2009), 197-205.
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